by Peter Van Buren |
1/700 USS New York LPD-21 (L'Arsenal)
1/700 USS New York, from the L'Arsenal resin kit. The aircraft and LCACs shown come with the kit. Vehicles were added, from Shapeways. Two helos are missing blades and the deck netting is also missing pending the maker sending me missing/damaged PE replacements.Fit on the kit was very good. There were a lot of micro bubble holes on the flat deck surfaces which were very hard to get to and fix, so I left them. They may not be visible in the photos but it is unfortunate the casting was not a bit better. The flight deck casting arrived very warped and I replaced it with plastic card. There was no well deck bottom in the kit, so again, plastic card. Instructions, created from the 3D CAD, were much better than most included in these types of kits.