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Picture History of the Cunard Line, 1840 - 1990
by Frank O. Braynard & William H. Miller, Dover Publications Inc., Mineola, New York, USA, 1995

Review by Ian Wilkins

This is a Quarto sized, soft cover volume of 133 pages absolutely jammed with black and white photos of Cunard ships and ship interiors. All of the text is included within extended captions to each of the pictures. The book follows the development of the Cunard fleet in a chronological fashion starting with the earliest vessels and concluding with the Queen Elizabeth 2. The photos included are fabulous each being selected to give the best and clearest representation possible of each vessel. While most vessels get a single picture and extended caption some, more famous vessels get greater coverage. Vessels such as Mauretania, Aquitania., Berengaria, and the intermediate single stacker California, all receive this treatment often with the inclusion of interior and exterior detail views. The Queens get a very large chapter all of their own with many detail photos and profile views covering all eras of their careers.

I was impressed at the size of Cunard’s operations during the first part of this century and I particularly enjoyed special chapters on the Cunard intermediates of the twenties, and the section on the early vessels. This book is an excellent introduction to this line’s history and vessels, and the many photos will have the reader happily dreaming of a fleet of their own.

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