USS Tennessee 1941 
by Abram Joslin 

1/700 USS Tennessee 1941 (Trumpeter)

This is my Trumpeter 1/700 USS Tennessee. She was built using kit parts, 3DModelParts secondary weapons and fighting tops, Five Star Photo Etch/brass barrels, Blue Ridge Models wood deck, and a 3D printed deck piece I designed and printed. It took about a month to build. The Trumpeter kit is relatively good except it is missing the gun tubs in the superstructure. Instead of trying to scratchbuild and add the tubs to the kit parts I opted to completely design a replacement part and 3D print it here at home. I chose to paint the ship in a modified Ms1 scheme using 5N Navy Blue/5L Light Grey instead of the traditional 5D Dark Grey/5L Light Grey. I also painted the wood and super structure decks Deck Blue 20B. I based my color choice off of the idea that the Pacific Fleet was experimenting with replacement colors for 5D at the time and I liked the variation from the normal 5D/5L (modeler's license I suppose).  We know from photos her decks were painted. Is it 100% historically accurate? Probably not, but do I like how it looks? Yes, and I feel that's what matters most in the end.

I realized, too late, that I built the cranes wrong (on this and my West Virginia). I may go back and fix them someday, but they're staying the way they are for now. This was also my first attempt at any sort of rigging. I used Infini-Line brand rigging. It was a little frustrating to apply, but I like the added detail and may try rigging the rest of the ship in the future.

I have a brief build log on the forums here,

Just for fun I've included two photos of Tennessee and West Virginia together.

Abram Joslin

Gallery updated 12/7/2020
