USS North Carolina BB-55
by Paul Neuhaus

1/700 USS North Carolina BB-55 (Trumpeter)

I looked around the internet for a colour scheme of this ship, however I didn’t find much useful until I came across a few pictures some guy had posted on a page and finally further ones that I found on Google Earth. The colour suggestion in the kit wasn’t quite “my cup of tea” (I didn’t fancy blue decks) and I finally decided to apply the scheme she is wearing today, as a memorial in Wilmington. N.C.

Unfortunately, I did not find enough pictures that showed every corner of the vessel, but I think I have got it more or less right.

The building was quite straightforward. The parts in the kit are very accurate fit and not many items had to be sanded etc. I used colours from Gunze, Tamiya and Vallejo which were applied to the model mainly with an airbrush. The rigging is stretched sprue and the water has been made with Vallejo water effects “Pacific blue” which was applied to a blue painted board with a roller.

I used the PE set from Tom’s Modelworks who offers a special set for this vessel. The parts are fantastic except for the assembly plan which leaves one guessing:, how parts are bent, put together and where they should to be placed on the ship. Tom’s could take a look at this issue in order to make modelling with their sets a bit easier.

Paul Neuhaus
