USS Missouri BB-63 1991 
by Mike Bridge 

1/700 USS Missouri BB-63 (Trumpeter)

Here is my build of the USS Missouri as she appeared in 1991 after Desert Storm.  I used the Trumpeter 1991 Missouri kit.  The kit didn’t have any detail on the lower sections of the superstructure so I added some watertight doors and other bits and pieces for some detail.  I replaced the kit 5 inch turrets with some I had in spares because the kit turrets just didn’t look right at all.  I added some little scratch details here and there and completely scratch built the port quarter derrick assembly.  I used the GMM New Jersey PE set and also added brass barrels for the main turrets.  I used Modelkasten wire for the rigging, added a helicopter I had in spares, and put her anchored in calm water.  The kit was a nice kit with good fit and no issues.

Mike Bridge

Gallery updated 9/10/2019
