Bismarck in Grimstad Fjord 
by Stein Gildberg 

1/350 Bismarck in Grimstad Fjord (Revell)

The model shows Bismarck in Grimstad fjord near Bergen, Norway May 21 1941, as the ship's sides are painted over before the sortie into the Atlantic Ocean along with Prinz Eugen. The model is a Revell Bismarck with details and PE from Lion Roar and others, as well as wooden decks from MK-design. The deck was darkened by paint wash to make it look like teak, still it is a bit too light in my opinion. Figures are from l'Arsenal. Tarpaulins covering swastikas are made ??from aluminum foil. A lot of effort was made to make the ship look as close to reality as possible on this specific day. Many small parts are scratch-built, such as depth charges, smoke containers and blast-bags with a lot more, however not as much as on my Scharnhorst as the Bismarck Lion Roar PE-set is very detailed and comprehensive. Rigging is all made from stretch sprue. Colors are mainly White Ensign and Revell, partly sprayed, partly hand-painted.

The main reference are the two books by Josef Kaiser: “Schlachtschiff Bismarck, Das Model” and “Das Original im Detail”. Ships Boats on Main Deck were all removed before the Atlantic sortie, but I could not resist mounting the boats (they do look good, don’t they?). Overall, the model is built from close to 3500 parts including 100 crew and rigging.

Stein Gildberg

Gallery updated 2012
