HMS Prince of Wales, April 1941 
by Pavel Lupandin 

1/700 HMS Prince of Wales (Flyhawk)

This is my interpretation of Flyhawk's battleship HMS Prince of Wales in 1/700 scale, displayed as would have been seen during speed trials in April 1941 (last photo from IWM that inspired the look). She is painted Home Fleet Grey, with heavy paint chipping on the bow from her trials, but otherwise in pretty good shape. Lower hull has moderate weathering and discoloration as well (and I hope the red is the correct color for antifouling paint).

Why Prince of Wales?

Prince of Wales has had a short service, punctuated by its famous engagement with Bismarck, a journey to the US with Churchill onboard and a rather tragic end to it all in Malaya straits from Japanese torpedoes and bombs.  I have always been fascinated by the whole Hood vs Bismarck thing as a kid, so when building those models and Hood especially, I have read with great interest the testimonials of PoW crew of Hood's sinking. That read really sparked an interest in building that ship's model, but not as sunk with that complicated, and yes, unique camouflage, but earlier on, in grey, to keep company for the Hood model. They do look striking together, so different and so characteristic of the Royal Navy's designs.

I was very happy to see that Flyhawk released a fantastic model of the ship, even ahead of its  upcoming Hood offering. I got the kit in 2018, and started on it - and then it sat in a box, hull just painted once or twice, as I struggled with complexity, thin plastics that warped from glue, seam lines, etc, etc . I guess I was not ready. This year I ran a little poll on my Instagram (IG @Pascalemod) and asked which model to build - and Prince of Wales won out. So I had to finish it!

How the build was going you can read about here as well:  .

Changes to the kit were as follows:

Pavel Lupandin

Gallery updated 2/24/2021
