Some photos of the Combrig 1/700 Conquerer that I just completed. I'd like to thank the following people who helped me research the project and gave me valuable tips for various aspects of construction: Peter Fulgoney, Mike D'Silva, Rob Kernaghan, Jim Baumann, and John Snyder from WEM. I built her as she appeared in 1913, with two white bands on her after funnel, and in overall medium gray. I modified the bridge and foremast structure to match photos of Conquerer that were in Burt's WWI Battleships of the Grand Fleet, and Jane's Warships of 1915. Although I'm not 100% sure, I think I may have erred in making the bridge two levels, as the photos seem to show a single level at that time with a shortened bridge structure. I used WEM paints, Gold Medal Ultra railings, stretched sprue rigging and celluclay water. I used waxed thread for the torpedo nets as photos show a very small diameter rolled net that only came to about halfway up the railings. The 30 net booms were included in the kit. It was not a difficult build, but it took a while to finish due to the many small and photo-etched parts included with the kit.