1/250 Arii Musashi represented in Operation Sho. Have been working on this kit for over 3 yrs off and on. First step was giving the hull to that Old Portland Rustbucket Don Mcdonald who did all the r/c work. This is my second attempt at an r/c musashi. My last one which was a Tamiya 1/350 sunk upon its first test run so I decided to make it bigger and unsinkable. This one handles rough water really well and all thanks for that goes to Don. For details I used GMM 1/250 photo etch and also 1/200 GMM extra details set. This is an excellent kit and I has almost as much detail as the Tamiya kit. For my next project I'm going to build the Arii Yamato from the same operation and make it r/c also.
Images 13-17 show recent improvements.