Schwerer Kreuzer Admiral Scheer 
by Stein Gildberg 

1/400 Admiral Scheer (Heller)

“Panzerschiff Admiral Scheer” was the second of the so-called Pocket Battleships, built in Wilhelmshafen 1931-34.
In 1940 the ship was re-classified and renamed “Schwerer Kreuzer Admiral Scheer”. The model of the ship is manufactured by Heller in 1:400-scale. Admiral Scheer probably was the most successful of the German capital ship surface raiders in the early years of WW2.

I originally built this model – as with the “Lützow” in 1978 (!). A complete tear-down and rebuild was carried out in 2006. Detail of the kit is not up to today’s standard, so a lot of changes had to be made to correct most of the errors, including the shape of the funnel cap, tubular mast and platforms, AA-guns 1942 as well as all mast arms (made from brass tubing as originals are far too thick) to mention some.

Paint is WEM and Revell. PE is mainly WEM. Lots of minor details made from scratch. Boot topping is too narrow (correct size is about the double width). The camo pattern depicts the ship in Norway, in the summer of 1942 (see picture of both Admiral Scheer and Lützow in a Norwegian fjord (Bogen in Ofotfjord, close to Narvik).

I just wish someone would launch new kits of Admiral Scheer and Lützow..

Stein Gildberg

Gallery updated 2013
