Aurora (1916) 
by Jan Varga 

1/400 Aurora 1916 (Heller)

 This is the build of a last 1/400 Heller kit left in my stash. Kit itself is several decades old and it was one of few available ship kits in "old good" Czechoslovakia, sold by soviet manufacturer Ogonek. As an upgrade I replaced all decks with V-groove evergreen sheet allowing it to be weathered by oil paints later. Box shaped conning tower was replaced by more realistic cylindric one.  All plastic masts and gun barrels are replaced by conterparts made of brass rods. Photo etched parts are leftovers of my previous builds in this scale.The only reference I used was scan of soviet magazine "Modelist Konstruktor" issued in 70s.  Overall this was very relaxing build meant mainly to keep my hands busy before building of next major Royal Navy subject.

Jan Varga

Gallery updated 10/24/2021
