HMS Belfast 1943 
by Jan Varga 

1/350 HMS Belfast 1943 (Trumpeter)

Inspired by North Cape diorama of Andrew Ayling (Britmodeller) I decided to build HMS Belfast in her 1943 configuration, but in full-hull and weathered version. The most challenging part was rebuild of compass platform. As the WEM compass platform was already sold out, I used styrene sheets to rebuild the walls with wind baffles . Most of photoetched work is combination of WEM and Eduard sets. For pom-poms I used photoetched set designed by my friend Milan Kuliffay, which gives much more satisfactory result regarding geometry than any of available commercial sets. Correct placement of middle gun barrels of each turret is excellently solved by set from Master. Camouflage is sprayed using Tamyia paints mixed according to shades of Lifecolor RN set which I was not able to correctly use with airbrush. Overall I enjoyed this build and learned much about construction and history of RN cruisers. Some other cruisers are now in my work queue.

Jan Varga

Gallery updated 3/17/2020
