by Kevin Dekker |
1/600 HMS Sufolk (Airfix)
This is an old Airfix kit which needed a lot of added detailing to get to a reasonable standard. The rake of the stem was increased, bilge keels fitted, outboard shafts moved closer to the centerline, supplied props replaced with smaller scratch built items. Lower bridge wings were formed into over-hangs by cutting away the bridge superstructure lower plating and fitting replacement sheets running straight back from its front face. Over-thick bulwarks and shields were filed thinner where practical, or replaced. The forward 4 inch twin mountings were moved slightly aft to clear the pillar for the circular platform for light AA. This meant the 4 inch gun crew deck houses also needed to be shortened to fit. WEM photo etch from Tom's Models was used to complement the added scratch built detail. The end result ended up looking comparable in standard to the Airfix Belfast kit which was a much later release.