IJN Hashidate
by David Griffith

1/700 IJN Hashidate (Seals Models)

Here are some photos of my model of the Japanese coast defence vessel Hashidate. It is the 1/700 plastic kit by Seals Models of Japan. The box contains parts for two ships, and I intend to backdate the other to represent her sister ship, Itsukushima, so I can have a white and buff scheme.

Apparently these ships were the acme of uselessness when it came to their military qualities, with a main gun mounting that was so unbalanced that the ship heeled when it was trained to the beam, and a rate of fire of one shot per hour in battle. However, I do think they are good looking and, dare I say "sexy", ships, with their very low profile, agressive ram bows and a gun that looks as though it knows just where it is pointing.

The model is very well detailed for what I understand is a very small company, with the exception of the small calibre guns, whose barrels could be thinner. There is a whole sprue of guns, boats and ventilators that are redundant and useful for the spares box.

I added some photo-etch from various frets by White Ensign and Gold Medal.

The figures are Gold Medal. The rigging is my usual method of braided nylon cord, teased out to individual fibres.

The signal flags spell B-R-K, the initials of the partner of my wife's aunt.

David Griffith

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