Russian cruiser Askold 
by Michal Lason 

1/700 Russian cruiser Askoldi (Scratchbuilt)

This is the model of Russian cruiser Askold, scratch-built in 1/700 scale. The ship had a long and interesting service history, and in Poland we remember that the admiral Jerzy ?wirski, Commanding Officer of the Polish Navy during WWII started his naval career as Junior Navigation Officer on board of Askold. The model itself has an interesting story as I built the hull of it, alongwith other hulls of different models, more than 20 years ago and only recently found it in a box and decided to finish it. Besides internet sources, I had an old issue of the Russian magazine Modellist Konstruktor, which provided quite detailed plans and other drawings.


Michal Lason

Gallery updated 5/28/2024
