HMS Edinburgh 1939 
by Mark Kendrick 

1/700 HMS Edinburgh (White Ensign Models)

This is my HMS Edinburgh, out of the White Ensign Models box. The kit was second hand and although the parts were all there someone had tried to rectify hull warp with a steel rod in her spine which I could not get out, and made the bend uncorrectable except by screwing the hull to a wooden base, and that caused the base to warp, so I double layered it. The kit, though a vintage WEM one, is a stunner, as is the subject - Edinburgh and her sister were (Belfast still is - just a few 100 yards from where I sit typing this) handsome and excellent fighting ships. Edinburgh sank a German destroyer while slowly sinking, after her stern had been blown off by a torpedo. This was a great choice as my first resin model. Pete Hall's instructions hold your hand all the way through.  Main barrels are Master.

Mark Kendrick

Gallery updated 1/8/2019
