Japanese light cruiser Kiso 
by Jim Anderson 

1/700 IJN Kiso (Tamiya)

 Originally built in August of 1987 Tamiya’s Kiso kit was modified according to Tamiya Modeling Magazine Issue No. 8 Winter 1986/87 that featured an article diagramming how to modify the kit’s early1930s period issue into a wartime bridge and foremast fit.  That completed, it was then painted in IJN Aleutian camouflage of the late 1941 to 1942 time frame.  The hull and stacks were brushed with Tamiya’s old formula flat white over Humbrol’s French Air Force dark gray blue according to the article and wartime photographs.

Enter 2015 and I purchased a new copy of Navy Yard Vol. 26 that showed better detail and execution of this subject (and a few other light cruisers) so I gave the ship a new “refit” based on that information.  It remains curious to me that Tamiya chose the early 1930s fit forsaking her wartime service appearance.  I bet there will be, if not already, a new issue release of this ship that has the wartime modifications included for the builder.  Kiso is one of the 5500 tonners of the Kuma class and makes for a unique and handsome addition to your waterline fleet.

Jim Anderson

Gallery updated 12/25/2020

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