Italian light cruiser Muzio Attendolo 
by Michal Lason 

1/700 Muzio Attendolo (Scratch built)

Today one of my favorite ships, the Italian light cruiser Muzio Attendolo. After the first two series of the Condottieri type, designed mainly to fight French contre-torpilleurs, very fast and heavily armed but lacking any armor, Regia Marina built two new cruisers, Raimondo Montecuccoli and Muzio Attendolo. The new cruisers had a displacement of 2,000 tons more than their predecessors and, with similar armament, had a side belt 50 mm thick. This was virtually the same thickness as in their contemporary light cruisers built for other fleets. The design was so successful that it served as a license model for similar ships built in the Soviet Union (Kirov) or Sweden (Gota Lejon).

They were beautiful and very successful ships, and the Raimondo Montecuccoli served as a training ship for many years after World War II.

My 1/700 scale model is built from scratch based on plans and photos. I started building it in 2009 (yes, yes) and I didn't finish it until April 2023. It represents Muzio Attendolo in 1942. I used railings from the Eduard kit, and the Ro 43 planes are from the Trumpeter’s Battleship Roma kit, which will be my next project.

Michal Lason

Gallery updated 6/10/2023
