USS Franklin CV-13
by Brendan Ibbs

1/720 USS Franklin CV-13 (Revell)

After many years of storage I decided to build this very old Revell kit of the USS Franklin (CV13) (Essex class) to add an aircraft carrier to my collection.

Kit is essentially made straight from the box, with the addition of some (probably fairly overscale) card splinter sheilds for the light AA and rigging from 1Lb (0.11mm dia) fishing line. Aircraft wing markings hand painted, unsuprisingly there were no decals for them in a kit of this vintage - the kit box has "Copyright 1967" on it.

Unfortunatley the kit instructions are very vague about the color scheme and have no detail whatsoever about the rigging so I've had to interpret some of the details from photos of the actual ship and other models.Text

Brendan Ibbs
