by Sebatien BERTI |
1/200 French Aircaft carrier Clemenceau (scratchbuilt)
This model depicts the French aircraft carrier Clemenceau at 1:200 scale in its condition during the French Navy's Operation Prometheus in 1987 and 1988 in the Persian Gulf.The aircraft carrier Clémenceau joined the French Navy in 1961 and was used until 1997.
The aircraft carrier Clemenceau was roughly equivalent in size to a modified American Essex-class carrier.
The model is 132.5cm long in 1/200 scale.
This model is completely built in scratchbuilding (wood, plastic card essentially , resin, ) with the exception of the french « Crotale » anti aircraft missile launchers visible on the front and rear sponsons which are manufactured by the arsenal.
The aerial group is also made of scratch work.
Hope modellers enjoy this model.