HMS Ark Royal 
by Eberhard Sinnwell 

1/700 HMS Ark Royal (Fujimi)

The model represents the British Aircraft Carrier HMS Ark Royal R09 in the 50s. The kit is in scale 1/700 and comes from Fujimi. It is very old and simple to build. Since it has no decals, I painted the airfield with airbrush. Starting from white, I went on to yellow, grey, green and black colour in many layers. The PE parts come from the Set "British Aircraft Carriers (WW2& Postwar)" from GMM.

The aircraft included in the kit are the Supermarine Seafire, the Hawker Seafury and the Fairey Gannet and as helicopter the Sikorsky S58. In the 1950s only the Hawker Seahawks, Fairey Gannet and the Dragonfly were on board. The 3D printed Hawker Seahawks are from the company Shapeways. The Dragonfly helicopter is from White Ensign.

For the national insignia I used Starfigher Decals. The Dock was made using castings  from Battlefleet Models. The cars are from the company Herpa and in 1/600 scale.


Eberhard Sinnwell

Gallery updated 12/12/2018
