Minsk Soviet Aircraft Carrier 
by Donald W. Grasmick 

1/700 Russian Carrier Minsk (Aoshima)

This is my 4th submission and to-date, one of my largest 1/700 projects.  I've found out during this project that I'm terrible with painting warning circles.  If anyone knows where to obtain good warning circle and deck line decals, I'm all ears.  When researching this model I saw discussion on which manufacturer was better...Trumpeter vs. Aoshima.  I went with the latter, mainly due to cost but was surprised at how well everything fit together.  And that's after being painted!  The photo etch was GMM-Soviet carriers.  One definitely needs to view pictures close up of the radar on the actual ship to get a better sense of what Soviet radar's really look like.  I felt like I was half guessing some of the time.  In the end the photo etch really helped the model along.  As for the colors, I used Model Masters Gunship Gray for the hull and island.  I used Testors Flat Brown for the deck and Flat Beret Green for the flight line.
  I only have two gripes about the kit.  Since aftermarket Soviet weapons aren't really out there for U.S. customers, I had to used what I received in the box.  The second issue is that I wish there was more of a selection of Soviet aviation in 1/700.  Again, I used the fixed winged aircraft from the box but as for the helicopters, I used Trumpeters Soviet naval helicopter kits.  I hope you all enjoy my version of the Minsk.

Donald W. Grasmick

Gallery updated 2013

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