USS Wilson DD-408 at Savo Island 
by Vladimir Karen 

1/700 USS Wilson DD-408 (Kraken Hobbies)

Although the night had been disturbed already by aircraft flares and a gun duel South of Savo Island, the unaware yet Northern Group of cruisers USS Vincennes, Quincy and Astoria and destroyers USS Wilson and Helm were still enjoying the quiet of the night of August 9, 1942. Soon they would be blinded by searchlights and surprised by gunfire as the Northern Force becomes ambushed as well. The Wilson would open fire at the enemy from large distance, but without any known effect. She would then start picking up survivors of the Vincennes and Quincy the next morning and providing help in fighting fires on the stricken Astoria until the stricken cruiser gave it up
to the waves.

She is depicted during the night watch just before the battle when the fleet was in Condition of Readiness II, so half the crew on watch with half the guns manned only. Many figures and poses used appear quite relaxed, unaware about what would be coming upon them very soon.

Despite it´s tiny size a lot of effort went into this model. I´ve been happy to help with researching the Benham class for the development of the very nice Kraken Hobbies 3D printed models, designed and tested a dedicated PE sheet, researched and reconstructed Wilson´s Ms12(R)mod camouflage and finaly built the model. My build log is available on the page.

More hi-res photos here.

Vladimir Karen

Gallery updated 9/27/2023
