HMS Eskimo
by Andrew Ayling

1/350 HMS Eskimo (Resin Shipyard)

This is my HMS Eskimo, I have a family connection to her as my Grandfather was onboard at the time.

The model is based upon the Resin Shipyard HMCS Haida, back dated to WW2 RN configuration, the main changes required being:

  1. Rebuild of main (fore) deckhouse, reshaping the rear area of both decks and adding positions for the director and range finder.
  2. Reshaping to the aft deckhouse and building of the pom pom position
  3. Scratchbuild of the Oerlikon paltform.
  4. Scratchbuild of the searchlight platform
  5. New mast from WEM J class etched brass

The main gunhouses were spares from my HMS Quality, the 4" is the spare from Trumpeters Hood, the remainder of the armament is a combination of scratch and L'Arsenal. As ever, paints are WEM and decals Hawk Graphics

Andrew Ayling
