Udaloy class destroyer 
by Adam Mcleish 

1/350 Udaloy class DD (Trumpeter)

This is my Udaloy class destroyer but as I don't speak Russian and can't find my instructions I can't tell you what its name is. I got half way through this kit and lost interest so I put it away for a year. I did look at it a couple of times but still had no interest in finishing it but one day I did and I'm really happy that I did cause I'm really happy with how it turned out. It was painted in Baltic fleet grey M20 from WEM and the rest of the ship is the same as my previous Russian ships . there is a fare bit of work in the two masts but when finished they look really good, I also bought some cage aerials and these were quite hard to get around and straight  but I did the best I could at the time.

Adam Mcleish

Gallery updated 9/10/2014

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