Falklands Task Force
by Dr György Pék

1/700 Falklands Task Force (Revell/WEM)

This is my 1:700 diorama of three British ships making their way to the South Atlantic, May 1982. You could previously see the Revell Invincible and Sheffield plus the WEM Brilliant on MWS.com. This is my my first attempt at constructing a seascape. I would like to express my gratitude to Jim Baumann as I utilized a simplified version of his method using artist's watercolour paper as the base of the dio. A sheet of this was glued to the wooden base, then holes corresponding to the shapes of the three ships were cut into the paper. Next, waves around the vessels were sculpted out of Vallejo artificial water. The seascpae was then given a priming coat of dark gray, subsequently several layers and patches of dark blue and green acrilic paint were applied. Lighter shades were used along the ships's sides and in the wake of them. The wave crests were painted white and as a final step of preparing the saescape the whole base was given several coats of gloss varnish. The ships were screwed tightly to the base. I hope you like my dio as there was much anticipation on the part of some members here (hint, hint...).

Dr György Pék

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