IJN Harbor
by Kim Kookjin
1/700 IJN Harbor Diorama (various manufactures)
It took almost 4 month to complete. Actually I'm still doing some detail
up here and there.
By making Harbor Dio, I can get rid of my old tooling kit all together,
and buy new tooling kit.
The kit I used here are:
Aoshima Old tooling BB Yamashiro
Aircraft Carrier Hiryu
Heavy Cruiser Chokai
Tamiya Light Cruiser Kumano
DD Hatsuyuki
Sub I-58 and I-16
Tugger set, and Harbor set
Skywave Military Base set
Vehicle from Beach Head set.
Rigging on the ships was done using stretched sprue. I replace fore and
after mast of Chokai using brass rod. The window of bridge were cut off
using razor saw because it's a sticker window. I rebuilt bridge window
with plastic rod. I did same to Kumano. I replaced Yamashiro's light stack,
catapult and crane with Toms modelworks PE set and redo all the stiffener
and support of Pagoda structure.
I still feel like I'm missing something, especially on the ground.
If you have any ideas let me know.
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