Hull was in pretty good condition and didn't need a lot of TLC like many resin kits. I used GMM railings and SPS 40 radar. The prop is scratchbuilt along with the rudder. The top mast, yard and all other parts are brass soldered together. The DASH helo on the deck is also scratchbuilt. In 1/350 it is only 5/8" dia. over the rotor blades. The hanger is part of the hull casting so it was closed and solid. I used a Dremel with a tool extension I made to reach into it and bore the hanger out. Once this was complete I made the inside bulkheads and overhead with .015 plastic along with some extra details, beams, stretcher, WT.door, cabinets and bench. All the detail on the fantail was cut off and the stern was put in hot water to straighten to put her an even keel. It had a slight twist in it. Then I scratchbuilt all the stern detail and the towed array gear. I have built many resin kits and overall this was a good kit from ISW and I would say to anyone who wants to build their first resin kit to go with this one. Not too many parts and with a little imagination and scratchbuilding you can turn it into a little gem and she is little at 12 3/4" long.