Samuel Roberts FFG 58
by Rusty White

Here are some photo's of a 1/350 Scale MB Models Samuel Roberts Rusty built for a client.

The model was painted using Model Master Medium Gray mixed 2 to 1 with MM Camouflage Gray to make the Haze Gray color.  The non-skid color on the deck is MM Gunship Gray.  All the white parts are painted using MM Camouflage Gray.  It's a perfect color for white at 1/350 scale.  All the black surfaces were painted MM Flat Black lighten for scale effect with MM Camouflage Gray. The water was made using Sculpey covered with Liquitex Gel Medium.  The water was painted with acrylics using Pthaocanine Blue, Phao. Green with Titanium White used for the white caps.  The entire surface of the water was dry brushed with light blue to break up the monochromatic appearance.  The surface was topped off with three coats of Future floor wax.

