The FAA Model Show at Yeovilton, UK by Jim Baumann |
The model show held at the FLEET AIR ARM MUSEUM near Yeovilton
UK on February 12 was once again an astonishing success with many
ship and FAA aviation models in a vast variety of scales on show. I hereby
attempt to present a small compilation of the highlights that I was able
to photograph.
The FAA museum is a highly recommended destination to any visitor
to the UK interested in naval aviation of any period.
The show is sponsored by Airfix and White Ensign models . Most unusual for a model show is that the model exhibits are shown amongst and under the wings of many of the exhibits, ranging from WW1 aircraft to Concorde....
The competition was well supported with shipping subjects, young
Max Cosby exhibiting his fine models recently seen at, they
were even better in the flesh! I exhibited some of my more recent models;
I did not bother photographing them as they can be seen
here in my Gallery at
© -- -- 2/19/2005