2003  IPMS( UK) Scaleworld Nationals  held at TELFORD

Photos by Jim Baumann and Vladimir Yakubov

The UK Nationals were held this year (as in previous years)  on the  21/22  November in  the International Center at Telford,  a prestigious location in the center of England slightly north-west of Birmingham.

The international flavor of this (relatively!) huge  event is comprised of  competitors and visitors from as far afield as China, Canada, the USA along with Greece, France, Denmark Portugal, Spain, Malta, Tenerife, Israel, Poland, Russia, Holland, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Belgium, Spain mingling with many Austrians,  Germans, Czechs, Italians;  I even saw someone from IPMS Argentina chatting with someone from Norway whilst surrounded by swarms of BRITISH!!  All had come to Telford to look at models, chat about models, compete with models and hunt  model kit bargains!!

The  model industry's health was demonstrated by the  comprehensive Trade support ranging from the main Plastic kit manufacturers right through to  the 'cottage/garage' industry specialist manufacturers of obscure resin kits, accessories, photoetch and decals for  all modeling disciplines....!

The show is held in two large adjacent halls with good parking, good catering and beverage facilities within the show.

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 For many years  model boats have been overshadowed by the vast array of   aircraft and armor models on display; this year however whilst still massively outnumbered (!!) the presence of shipping as a model force to be reckoned with was  unmistakable by the sheer number of ship models present in and out of the competition.

In the UK especially there is  very strong support for the Nationals from the area clubs and SIG's (Special Interest
Groups) who have enormous displays  of general models as well as  dedicated themes( such as the COMPLETE
evolution of the Spitfire as well as some  slightly bizarre exhibits which were very popular with young and old modelers such as the 1:1 scale HARRIER COCKPIT!!

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The ship competition aspect is divided into a  number of classes,

The actual space allocated to ship models is in my opinion  never quite enough, as ships have generally a long and thin 'footprint'... and therefore can seem crowded on the tables.

 In the UK it is permissible to exhibit ships and for that matter any model  within a glass case for protection . In the instance of ship models especially  I find this eminently sensible as they are particularly vulnerable to heavy breathing admirers   blowing at delicate rigging .....

Vladimir Yakubov  came over from the USA and brought his beautiful fleet of Russian Pre dreadnoughts( for which I offered a permanent UK mooring  in my wall cases; strangely he declined....!) The photos  presented herewith are mix of both of our shots, that said we hardly took any photos of our own models, these can be viewed here at
modelwarships in the gallery anyhow...!

THE high point of the show was when a SHIP was the OVERALL winner of the whole event.

This fine model of the HMS CENTURION  was scratchbuilt of PLASTIC entirely to the scale of 1/350 and was about  8 inches loa, the model demonstrated superb  delicacy and depth with rigging that was near perfect! Mark Slota of the UK deservedly vanquished all tanks, figures and aircraft to become the Senior national Champion

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Of particular note off the competition tables was the 1/400 Heller Scharnhorst  built by German modeler Helmut Latoschinski who showed his model on the WEM  stand whilst wearing along with the rest of the WEM staff full naval/military/Wrens uniform which was very distinctive and certainly made the WEM people instantly identifiable...!!

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YS Masterpieces were there alongside L'Arsenal, both stands had much to tempt money to leave pockets!!!

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Adjacent were some fine ready built liner models  in 1/500, metal and PE for sale for £ 1100.00 as well as a beautiful 1/100  IJN Turret flanked by a 'builders model' type of G.Averoff in 1/192  for rather more ££££,s

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RC Cammet ltd had the prototype 1/350 RMS Queen Marry Hull molding on show, a veritable monster!!

I have enclosed with this report a large number of photos showing  the highlights of the show. Mr. D  Griffith of the UK won a Gold medal for his  1/700 USS Texas ( Samek),

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and  I received similar for my 1/350 G Averoff( YS Masterpieces)

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There were many superb ship models on view, too many to list accurately here, if there are any particular photos of interest please leave message on  the Forum and I will try to remember the kit/ manufacturer/builder...!!



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