by Richard Reynolds |
1/35 Typ S-100 Schnellboot (Italeri)
Italeri 1/35 Schnellboot Typ S-100. The fit is based on information drawn from the Kagero book, 'Super Drawings in 3D, Schnellboot S-38 and S-100'. The fit consists of; two 53.3cm (21 inch) torpedo tubes, one Rheinmetall MG C/38 cannon in bow, two 2cm MG C/38 cannon in a zwillinglafette in amidships, one 3.7cm Rheinmetall-Borsig Flak M42 canon on the aft deck. Six 200kg depth charges, located on racks lashed to the stern. Each charge is released by manually disconnecting the cable-chain. The boat has a crew of 21. 13 are visible on the deck, Three are resin Aires figures, 10 are italeri 1/35 Schnellboot crewmen.