American Civil War Ironclads
by Kieran Griffith
1/300 CSS Virginia (Lindberg)
I decided to get the Lindberg Monitor Virginia Kits, I know that Lindberg has a reputation for producing poorly detailed kits but I decided to see If I could make something of them without excessive scratchbuilding.
The Lindberg 1/300 CSS Virginia I built out of the box, put canvas covers on the lifeboats and printed out the flags like I did with the Monitor. No extra rigging or railings.
In the Lindberg 1/210 USS Monitor kit I built it out of the box and just painted with Gunmetal and red and printed out my own flags with a color inkjet printer.
I made the stands using plaques with religious messages I bought from the local thrift store. After sanding off the messages and what finish they did have I redid by laying down matchsticks with their heads cut off and glued in place with paper glue for the lugs. Then a quick coating of woodstain followed by varnish. The name plaques are from the kit just painted gold and superglued in place.
All in all I'm pleased with the result and I think they look great on the mantlepiece. Lindberg proves that even the worst kits can look good as long as you make them right.