This is an older PT boat converted into a later style gun boat when the US Navy did some changes to there standard PT's. This stated out as the standard Lindbergh PT in 1/32 scale and is part kit and part scratch built. The 40 mm bofors in back will turn back and forth and is scratch built, along with the depth charges and racks, The 37 mm up front will turn back and forth and is it also scratch built. The boat has 3 rudders, 3 motors, 3 props, just like the the guns boats had. It also has more guns and roll off depth charges instead of torpedo tubes like that most of the early PT's had. Most of the guns on deck are scratch built. It also has a 610 HRV speed control and is water cooled and air cooled using a small fan. It is set up with a 4 channel radio. ONE THING I have learned about Radio set ups; when you have one radio and a few ships it is nice to switch radios that way you can run other ships with out allot of cash in radios!
If you have questions email Don
that Portland Rustbucket