Skjold class Norwegian fast patrol boat 
by Don McKeand 

1/350 Skjold class patrol boat (Scratchbuilt)

The Skjold class missile fast patrol boats of the Royal Norwegian Navy are impressive vessels, believed to be the fastest armed naval vessels in the world with a 60+ knot speed in calm water, achieved with the aid of a catamaran air cushioned hull and water jet propulsion powered by four gas turbines. They employ stealth technology in the shape and coatings of their hulls and are armed with 8 surface to surface missiles in an internal weapons bay and a 76mm Otobreda gun. Having seen one of them underway near Bergen last year I was inspired to model one. A simple general arrangement sketch was found on the manufacturer’s website and was the basis for drawing up plans aided by numerous photographs. The hull was constructed from sheet styrene and Milliput with styrene tube halved to make the skirt at the bow.

Don McKeand

Gallery updated 2014
