by Paul Helfrich |
1/96 Privateer Rattlesnake (Model Shipways)
This is the Model Shipways plank-on-bulkhead kit "Rattlesnake."
I built this for a friend who already had the kit, but didn't want to build
it himself. And I can't say I blame him! I don't recommend
these plank-on-bulkhead kits to anyone except masochists. Put another
way, once you have the pre-cut bulkheads and frame together, the rest is
largely an exercise in scratchbuilding. The instructions are only
moderately helpful; basically it's you against a big box of miniature wooden
Nevertheless, I persevered, and here is the result. I greatly
simplified the running rigging; I found the rigging diagrams largely impossible
to decipher, so I based what I did on the main bits from the photo of a
completed kit on the box. I'll be very glad to get started on a nice
modern ship in good old styrene!
I've also attached some WIP photos, to show the build process.