Privateer Rattlesnake
by Paul Bishop
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American Revolutionary War Privateer Rattlesnake (Model Shipways)
I always wanted a wood ship model - in 1975 I purchased this model from a local hobby ship for $55.00.  In the box was a solid rough-cut hull and a bunch of sticks and pot metal fittings.  Pretty off putting.  I looked at the plans for a few months and then started.  Nine years later I finished - having worked on it mostly at lunchtimes at work.

The Rattlesnake was built from the plans and sails were added using "balooner cloth" and sewn up as described in Steels "Mastmaking Sailmaking and Rigging" book.  All of the cannons are fully rigged and the cabin has a complete interior.  Most of the pot metal parts were replaced with built up versions using boxwood.  Each crow's nest has all of the correct parts.  The ship is full rigged for sails and the ships boat has a built up clinker style hull.  The rigging line is all Cuttyhunk silk that was drawn through bees wax to remove any fuzz.

If anyone has questions, feel free to e-mail me.

Paul Bishop
