by Peter Van Buren |
1/350 USCGC Bertholf (Black Cat Models)
A few words about the kit, my first experience with Black Cat Models and with 3D-printed parts on a large scale.The molding is excellent, crisp and clean with only a tiny bit of anything to remove, meaning less prep and more of the good times. The entire hull, upper and lower, and full superstructure, is molded in one mighty piece so no seams to tend to. Almost everything standing proud of the deck that needs to be painted a different color is a separate part, so masking is also a breeze. For those who enjoyed the JAG resin kits back in the day as I did, this is their successor, where they would have been had they stayed in business.
The PE fits, the railing are precut, and each part is clearly labeled.
The main mast is basically one amazing 3D printed part. You add the radars and railings. Almost all the platforms and struts are part of one piece. So it aligns straight and true through no effort. What a pleasure. While this is not a beginner's kit, it does not drag you down with endless clean-up and adjustments. It was fun to build.
The 3D parts are new to me, and require some new skills. They come on a wafer and separating the first few is tricky as there is little room is get inside with clippers or a knife blade. It gets easier once you open up some space. They can be more brittle than resin and are very delicate; watch what you grab on to. Many have extras supplied which is good as I needed them.
Instructions are good. Everything is color-coded, one color for PE, one for 3D parts, one for resin. It looks psychedelically intimidating at first and takes some time to get used to but once you plug into it it is actually easier that way to find parts.
It was pleasantly challenging and sort of fun to work with all the bright colors instead of everything being gray and blue. The model looks good alongside my others in that respect as well.
If I had to suggest some slight improvements, it would be thinner decals. Real bridge windows instead of molded solid ones. More 3D spares and/or space the parts out on the wafer more.
If the Coast Guard blue and orange colors look wrong, adjust your monitor instead of commenting. They are my own paint mixes and not the fault of Black Cat.