by Mike Ng

1/360 Cruise Ship Elation (Scratchbuilt)

Elation is one of my various scratch-built 1/360 scale static ship models using compressed cardboard stock material for the hulll and superstructure. I originally built the model as Ecstacy in 1992, with the traditional propellers/rudders & stern thrusters. After all these years, in 2004, I decided to do an overhaul of the model and did something differently. I stripped the entire propulsion system, all the lifeboats/ derricks, railings and plugged the tunnels of the three stern thrusters. I renamed the model Elation which is propulsed by two axipods. The end result is a an updated (virtually about 70% rebuilt) model under the Elation name. The axipods are shown in one of the photos.

Mike Ng

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