Russian Golf II class (Project 629A) submarine 
by Tom Dougherty 

1/350 Russian Golf II class (Polar Bear)

This is a model of the Golf II class K-129, a submarine that was lost in March 1968.  The Golf II class was a diesel submarine (3 Kolomna diesels with 3 electric motors, 3 propellers) that was armed with three R-21 missiles these were launched from underwater and were equipped with 1-2 megaton thermonuclear warheads and had a range of 750 nm.   The K-129 sank in 16,400 feet of water in the North Pacific (40.06N; 179.57E), and the wreck was located and photographed by the Special Projects submarine Halibut.  A CIA sponsored operation, Project Azorian, was mounted to attempt to recover the front half section of the sunken K-129 wreck, which had at least one missile tube attached.  The goal was to learn as much about Russian equipment, codes and missile design  The Glomar Explorer, using a giant Capture Vehicle with articulated arms to encircle the wreck made the attempt in 1974.  Although only partially successful on the first try, the subsequent return mission in 1975 was canceled due to newspaper publication revealing the existence of the mission.

The Golf II resin kit has several challenges with substantial seams to be puttied (without destroying surrounding scribed details) and other items to attend to.  Mounting the three propellers in very tight quarters is another exercise in patience.  This model was built for David Sharp, retired CIA engineer who directed part of the recovery effort of the K-129 from the Glomar Explorer.  His excellent book detailing the Azorian mission is currently under development by Ridley Scott as a feature film, tentatively titled “Neither Confirm nor Deny".

Tom Dougherty

Gallery updated 2/21/2020
