USS Harder SS-257
by Walter Magnavice Jr.

1/350 USS Harder SS-257 (Pitroad Combat Sub)

This kit is the Combat Sub Gato Fleet Boat Kit. It was made basicly box stock with the following exceptions, The periscopes are very small sewing needles with the "eyes' filled in to represent lenses. Much of the fairwater above the conning tower was scratch built to represent this famous boat as she appeared in Early Winter 1944, The screws are Yankee Modelworks Photoetch as are the topside fittings. Colors are in USN Measure 10 which the Harder was wearing in early 1944. I used Polly Scale OceanGrey with flat Black and Polly Scale Blue/grey weathering on topside. The lower hull was painted Floquil Grimey Black.

I used brass compression fittings for display poles ans a Plastic base with the Harder's Campaign and Service awards displayed.


Walter Magnavice Jr.
